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Onyx & Starr 4: A Forever Kind of Love Page 3
Onyx & Starr 4: A Forever Kind of Love Read online
Page 3
“How are you doing this morning?” she asks.
Why the hell she wanna know that? I mean, Miss Quita is nice and all, but I know she didn’t drag me down here at nine this morning to ask how I’m doing.
“I’m okay. Just wondering why you had me summoned here so early in the morning,” I say.
“Well, let’s get right to it then. As you know, Starr’s DNA was found on your car. Even though you changed the windshield and popped out the hood, they found strands of her hair embedded between under the hood, like around the part where it closes. The prosecuting attorney wants you behind bars,” she says.
“But…” I begin before she picks her finger up to silence me.
“I know that you’re a good kid Mandy. You just got caught up in your feelings for your ex-boyfriend, so that’s what I explained to him. I also told him about your plans to go to college next month. I informed him that you have no prior convictions and have never been in any trouble whatsoever,” she says.
“What did he say?” I ask nervously.
“Well, he’s willing to give you a plea deal.”
“What’s a plea deal?”
“Well, it’s when they offer you a deal with a lesser charge but you have to plead guilty to the crime,” she says.
“But if I plead guilty, they’ll lock me up. Is this some kind of joke?” I ask.
Why would my lawyer try to get me to plead guilty to a crime she knows I committed? If she’s my lawyer, she should be working for me, not against me. This sounds like some shady shit.
“No, it’s not a joke Mandy. You have committed a serious crime that could have cost that young lady her life. That’s a crime punishable by some jail time,” she says.
“I can’t go to jail! I start school in less than two months!” I exclaim.
“That’s where the plea deal comes in. If you accept the plea deal, you will be put on probation for four years, have a fine of up to four thousand dollars, and you will have to pay court fees and restitution to Starr. Does that sound like something you would be willing to do?”
“Yes. You will have to see a probation officer every month and pay your fines and restitution through them. But, it’ll allow you the freedom to go to school. You will still have to stay away from the victim though because the protection order is still in place,” Miss Quita says.
“Damn. Is that the only thing they can offer me? I don’t wanna have to see some probation officer every month. I have a life and things to do,” I say.
Surely she can come up with a better deal than that. Whose idea is it anyway to put people on probation? People have things to do and no one wants to have to visit some smelly office for convicts every month. I’m not a convict so I don’t deserve to be treated like one.
“Would you rather go to trial? May I advise you that there is a lot of evidence against you in this case? If you choose to go to trial and we lose, you could be facing up to ten years in prison,” she says.
“Yes, ten years or longer if the judge decides you did this to the victim on purpose. It’s up to you. Feel free to take a couple of days to think about it. Talk it over with your parents and get back to me when you’ve made up your mind. Just don’t take too long because this prosecutor won’t waste any time taking you to trial,” she says.
“Okay. Thanks Miss Quita. I’ll be in touch with you soon,” I say as I grab my things and leave her office. Walking to the bus stop, my mind starts thinking about the options she has given me. If I want to be free, I have to take this deal. Otherwise, I have to go to trial and could end up in prison for ten years. I sure wish I had thought more about running over that bitch.
For the past two and a half months, Starr and I have been sneaking around and getting it in while her mom has been at work. Tomorrow I have to leave for school so that makes our time today extra special. As we lay in my bed, wrapped up in each other’s arms, she turns to me and kisses me on the lips deep and passionate.
When we break our lips apart, I ask, “What was that for?”
“Because I love you and I’m going to miss you so much,” she says.
“I love you too baby, but you’ll only have to miss me during the week. I’ll be here every Friday and you already know this. I can’t stay away from you for longer than that,” I tell her.
Starr has me wide open and the love I feel for her is so strong. I’ve never felt this way about any other female. She makes everything better. She makes me a better person. Every time I look into her eyes and I see her smile, she makes my heart go crazy. Starr is the only woman for me and I want to marry her, as soon as I finish school.
“Onyx, I have something to tell you and I don’t know how you’re going to feel about it. But, I love you and it was the only thing I could think of that would keep us together forever. I mean, you do wanna be with me forever, right?” she asks.
“You know I do, but you’re scaring me. What is it you have to tell me?”
My nerves are getting worse by the minute. Every minute, every second that she doesn’t say anything has me thinking that it’s something awful.
“I love you. I love you so much and I-I-I’m pregnant,” she blurts out.
It takes a couple of minutes for the news she just told me to sink in. She did just say she’s pregnant right? Starr is pregnant. That means she’s going to have my baby. My baby, the love of my life, is going to have my baby. How the hell did that happen? What am I asking that question for? I already know how it happened. The two of us have been going at it like rabbits for almost three months.
“Are you sure?” I ask her.
“I took a test earlier today and I’ve been having morning sickness for the past two weeks,” she says.
“Wow! I’m gonna be a dad,” I say.
I know that Starr and I are young, but this is the best news she could have given me. There is nothing I would like more than to have a child with Starr. That’s how much I love her.
“Yea,” she says in a voice barely above a whisper. When I look into her beautiful eyes, I notice that she’s crying. I don’t know why I hadn’t noticed before. I use my thumb to wipe away her tears.
“Don’t cry baby. I promise that I will be here for you and the baby.”
“How? You have to go away to college and I have to start my senior year,” she says.
“I’ll be here over the weekend, every weekend. We’ll work it out babe,” I say.
“My mom is going to be pissed,” she says.
“So. There ain’t nothing she can do about it,” I say.
Frankly, I wish I could see the look on her mom’s face when she tells her. That shit would be priceless because I know how she feels about me now.
“Are you sure you’re happy?” she asks.
“I am ecstatic. Are you happy?”
“Oh yea,” she says as I wrap my arms around her, pulling her into me for a kiss.
The two of us continue kissing until I end up on top of her, inserting my dick inside her soft, wet pussy. She gasps as I go deeper and we bring our lips together. I have never loved anyone the way I love Starr. There’s this old saying, ‘when you find your soul mate and true love, you will know it’. Well, I know that Starr is the only girl I wanna be with. There could never be anyone else for me but her.
I continue thrusting inside her, long and deep. I grab her right breast and suck gently on her nipple as she holds my head in place, while moaning softly in my ear. I love to hear her moaning because it lets me know that I’m doing a good job. Feeling how wet her pussy is hardens my dick more than before.
“I love you,” she says weakly.
I remove my mouth from her supple breast and say, “I love you too.”
We continue to make love for the rest of the afternoon until we are spent. I can never get enough of Starr. That girl know she got me right where she wants me. I love the fact that we’re not only lo
vers, but we’re best friends. I can talk to Starr about any and everything going on in my life. She understands it all.
Once we’re done getting dressed, she picks up her phone.
“Oh shit! I gotta go home. My mom will be home any minute and the last thing I need is for her to catch me with the “I just had sex all afternoon” face,” she says with a laugh.
“Yea, I know what you mean. I need to get the essence of sex out of my room before my parents start trippin’.”
“It’s not the essence of sex she gon’ smell. It’s the essence of lovemaking,” she says as she wraps her arms around my waist.
I dip my head and place my lips on hers.
“You’re right,” I say once we break our kiss.
I walk with her downstairs and give her another long, deep passionate kiss before sending her on her way home. Once she’s gone, I climb the stairs two at a time to get to my room. I take my sheets off my bed, because they smell nothing but sex and sweat, and throw them in the washing machine. Then I grab the bottle of fabric refresher and spray my mattress and carpet. I want my mom to walk in and smell how fresh it is in here, not how much sex I’ve been having while she was gone.
I have a little packing left to do before I leave in the morning. I can’t believe it’s time for school to start already. School doesn’t officially begin for another two weeks, but because I’m an athlete, I have to leave early. It’s cool because I need to get to know the campus. One thing I don’t want to do is have to hunt for my classes on the first day.
I am putting the sheets in the dryer when my dad walks in. He yells for me and I tell him I’ll be right down. Once I start the dryer, I make my way down the stairs in search of my dad. I find him cracking open a beer can and sitting in his favorite chair in the family room.
“Wassup dad?” I greet him with a fist bump.
“Aye son, you finish packing?” he asks.
“Yea, I just finished.”
“Just finished? What have you been doing all day?” he asks.
“A little of this and a little of that,” I respond.
“Well, I hope you didn’t forget to spray that little of this and that out your room before your mother gets here,” he says with a smile on his face,
“I’on know what you talkin’ bout dad,” I say.
“Oh you don’t huh?”
“You and Starr ain’t fooling nobody with that pretending shit,” he says.
Now, I thought that Starr and I had been doing a pretty good job at keeping our relationship a secret from everyone, but obviously my dad is smarter than the average person.
“Does mom know too?”
“But how? Starr and I have been very careful not to let anyone know we were seeing each other.”
I’m surprised my parents knew that Starr and I have been sneaking around all this time. They never let on that they even suspected anything. I mean, my parents don’t have a problem with the two of us seeing each other. It’s her mom who really has the problem.
“Your mom has found a couple of Starr’s earrings under your bed when she was cleaning. Plus, the smell of her perfume is all over the house when she leaves,” he says.
Wow! I guess he’s got me there. I don’t wear cologne when I go over to Starr’s house because I don’t want her parents to suspect anything, but she doesn’t hide her scent from anyone. It’s not that she means to smell so sweet to get us in any trouble. It’s just that she loves smelling good for her man and I appreciate her for that.
“So, you’re not mad about her being in the house while y’all aren’t here?” I ask.
“Look, of course we aren’t excited about the two of you having sex in our house. But, we both know what it’s like to be your age and we know how much Starr means to you. Your mom and I were just saying the other day how in love the two of you are.”
“I really do love her dad. I want to marry her when we’re all done with school and everything, but…” I say.
I don’t know how my dad is going to feel about Starr being pregnant. I know he understands how much we love each other, but I don’t know if her pregnancy will make him happy. I can’t expect him and my mom to feel as excited as I am about me becoming a father, but no matter how they feel, it won’t change how I feel.
“But what son?” he asks.
“But, we may have to get married sooner rather than later,” I say.
“And why is that? Don’t tell me that Starr is pregnant,” he says.
I turn to look the other way. I mean, he did just tell me not to tell him, so what am I supposed to do? If this is going to upset him, I don’t wanna be the one to have to tell him that Starr and I are going to be parents.
“Is she pregnant, Onyx?”
I don’t trust my voice to speak, so I nod my head instead.
He runs his hand down his face and looks disappointed rather than upset. I know that he and my mom had plans for me. I still have the same plans as I did before, but instead of being a single man, I’ll be a married man with a child.
“Look dad, I know that you are disappointed in me. I’m sorry about that, but I’m not sorry that Starr got pregnant. I love her and I want to marry her; that was always on my agenda. I just thought we’d get married after we were done with school,” I say.
“Onyx, do you realize how hard it’s going to be for the two of you to remain in school with a baby? Man. You guys haven’t really thought this out at all. Having a baby is a huge responsibility,” he says.
“I know that dad and I’m ready for that responsibility. I had an excellent role model when I was growing up so I know what it takes to be a great dad,” I say, hoping to get him on my side.
“You have no idea how much of a struggle it will be for the two of you to be in college and trying to raise a baby. It’s going to be extremely hard for Starr to even finish high school. Do her parents know?”
“Nah, she just found out yesterday.”
“So, she took one of those home pregnancy things?” he asks.
“Yea,” I answer.
“Then maybe there’s still a chance that she’s not pregnant.”
“Dad, those tests are pretty accurate. I don’t think that another test will say different.”
I know my dad doesn’t want Starr to be pregnant. I mean, I’m going to college on a basketball scholarship. I could have gone with the grades that I’ve been making, but because of the way I play ball, they gave me an athletic scholarship instead.
“Your mom is not going to be happy about this,” he says.
“You don’t think she’ll be excited about being a grandmother?”
“Who’s going to be a grandmother?” my mom asks.
My dad and I were so busy chatting it up that we didn’t notice my mom had gotten home from work. Seeing her standing there, hand on her hip, looking both tired and mad has me worried. I don’t know how this night is going to go once my mom finds out about Starr being pregnant.
“Don’t y’all hear me talking to y’all? Who’s going to be a grandmother?” my mom asks again.
I look to my dad for support but he just raises his eyebrows at me. I guess he wants me to tell her myself.
“Uh, maybe you should sit down mom,” I say.
“Is Starr pregnant?” she asks.
I simply nod my head and wait for the fireworks to start popping. My mom is a very cool person, but I’m sure she didn’t expect to hear news like this the day before I’m scheduled to leave for school. The look on her face is confusing to me. I don’t know if she’s pissed or what.
“Oh shit Onyx! How could you let this happen son?” she asks.
I guess she’s disappointed in me too. Why can’t they see what a blessing this is? Why can’t they be as excited as Starr and I are that we’re going to be parents?
“Mom, why can’t you just be happy for us? I love Starr and I’m going to be a great dad,” I say.
“Son, you’re star
ting college. You leave tomorrow,” she says.
“I know that mom. Eventually, Starr and I would have gotten married and had a family. So, we started a little early. That doesn’t mean our lives are over,” I say.
“You have no idea what it means to have a child, do you? Once you have a baby, your life ain’t yours no more. How are you going to finish school and go pro with a baby on your hip?” she asks as tears flood her eyes.
I didn’t mean to hurt her feelings or disappoint her like this, but I have to live my life. I know that Starr is the girl I want to be with for the rest of my life. The fact that she’s pregnant is the icing on the cake for us. Why can’t they just be happy for us and stop looking at this baby as the end of our lives?
“Mom, I know you’re disappointed, but I’m happy. Starr is happy. I can still go to college and make it to the pros. Just because we’re having a baby doesn’t mean we can’t make our dreams come true. You’ll see. Everything will work out for the best,” I say, trying to convince her.
“Do her parents know?” my mom asks.
“No, she just found out.”
“Well, I’m not going to worry about it then. The way her mother has been feeling about y’all’s relationship, I wouldn’t be surprised if she rushed her to the abortion clinic first thing in the morning,” my mom says.
“Is that what you’re hoping, mom? Are you hoping that they will make her have an abortion? That baby is your grandchild; a little girl or boy, from my flesh and blood.”
I can’t believe she would say something so selfish. I know this pregnancy wasn’t in the plans, but it’s happened. Starr is pregnant with my child and I will not walk out on her. I want her to have this child, especially if it will open her mom’s eyes to the fact that we are meant to be together.
“Of course not, but we want more for you. We don’t want you to be a teenage father,” she says.
“But what about what I want, mom? What about me?” I ask.