A Mother Within Her Read online

Page 8

  “How many weeks are you? 37, right?” she asked as she read the information on the computer screen.

  “Yes, 37 and a half,” I said as I continued the breathing methods.

  “Well, the good news is that your baby isn’t coming too too early.”

  “What do you mean?” Iman asked.

  “I mean, at almost 38 weeks, your baby should still be healthy with all his fingers and toes in the right places,” she explained. “The doctor will tell you more when she comes in. For now, I need to check your cervix.”

  I placed my feet in the stirrups and she lifted the gown above my knees. “Oh my!”

  “What?! Is something wrong?” Iman asked nervously.

  “No, but the baby is crowning, so it looks like your wife is ready to deliver. Let me hurry and get the doctor. I’ll be right back!” she said as she rushed out of the room.

  “What the fuck does that mean?” I asked as I looked at Iman. “Does that mean I can’t get an epidural?”

  “I don’t think so, babe. She said you’re ready to deliver,” he said with a huge smile on his face.

  “I don’t know why you’re smiling so hard when I’m in so much pain!” I cried as another contraction hit me.

  A couple of minutes later, the doctor and nurses came rushing back in. Next thing I know, my legs were being lifted and the doctor and nurse was telling me to push. Iman held my hand as I pushed and screamed in the agony of the pain I was in. Three pushes later, I heard my baby crying. I watched as tears flowed from Iman’s eyes as he watched the nurse take the baby over to the scale to weigh him.

  Iman walked over to where they were standing and gazed at the little boy. He had a set of lungs on him because he was crying loud as hell. The doctor pressed on my stomach and said, “I’m going to stitch you because the baby tore you a little.”

  I was too tired and weak to say anything. I just waited for her to do what she needed to so I could get on with my day. I knew I was going to be spending the night here, but I wanted to be left alone.

  “He weighs six pounds and four ounces. His length is 18.5 inches long. Your little boy is absolutely perfect,” the nurse said as Iman continued to smile happily.

  By the time the doctor was done with me, the nurse had handed the baby over to Iman and he was walking toward me. He tried to hand the baby over to me, but I refused to take him. The nurses looked at each other with a confused look on their faces, so Iman offered them an explanation. “She’s probably tired,” he said.

  “I’m sure. She had to deliver that little cutie without any painkillers. Are you feeling okay, Mrs. Adams?” the nurse asked.

  “I’m just exhausted,” I said weakly.

  “Well, we can take the baby to the nursery and get him cleaned up. We’ll bring him back to you in a few minutes. Will you be breastfeeding or using the bottle?” she asked.

  “Which is better?” Iman asked.

  “Well, breastfeeding is always better…” the nurse began.

  “Bottle feeding is what I’ll be doing!” I said before she could finish. I didn’t need her giving Iman any kind of class about breastfeeding because no matter what information she gave him, I wasn’t changing my mind.

  “Babe, if breast milk is the best…” Iman started. I held up my hand to silence him. He looked at me with a frown on his face but didn’t respond.

  “Breast milk is best for the baby because it has more nutrients than formula. If you want I can give you a pamphlet on the differences between breastfeeding and formula,” the nurse said.

  “No thank you. I don’t need a pamphlet to tell me what’s best for me. I’m fine with bottle feeding the baby some formula,” I said with much attitude as I rolled my eyes.

  “I’ll leave you two alone for a few while I take the baby for his first bath. I’ll bring him back in a few minutes,” she said as she reached for the baby. Iman was looking at the baby with so much love in his eyes, you would think he was obsessed with him. He handed the baby to the nurse as she prepared to wheel him out the door in the little clear bed. “Have you guys given him a name yet?”

  I hadn’t even thought of naming that baby. Whatever name that Iman wanted was fine with me. “Yes, we have,” Iman said which shocked the shit out of me. I didn’t know he had been contemplating names.

  “Oh yea? What’s his name?” the nurse asked with a smile.

  “We’re going to name him Isaiah,” Iman said as he poked out his chest.

  “That’s a beautiful and biblical name. I like it!” the nurse said.

  I couldn’t give two fucks whether she liked it or not. I mean, we could have named him Kibbles and it shouldn’t have mattered to her one way or the other. This sudden interest in baby names and how she was smiling at my husband had me thinking she wanted him. “Don’t you have a baby’s ass to wash?!” I snapped at her.

  “Yes, you’re right,” she said as she pushed our son out of the room.

  “Really, Kiyah?” Iman asked as he looked at me. I didn’t know what his problem was, but he had better get it together.

  Chapter thirteen


  I thought bringing our baby into the world would somehow change Takiyah’s attitude about having the baby. As I stood there looking at her, I saw that nothing had changed with her. She just snapped at that nurse for no reason. I wanted her to breastfeed our baby because that would be a good way for the two of them to bond. I had spoken with her several times on what to name our baby. She never seemed to give two shits about it. Thank God I had been thinking of names for our son because when the nurse asked, Kiyah was sitting there looking stuck on stupid.

  When our baby was born, I felt the most intense jolt of love for him. He was a light brown complexion, some cute little lips like his mom, beautiful brown eyes, and a head full of silky black hair. I was so in love with my son, and now I knew what parents meant when they said they had unconditional love for their kids. I would love my son, teach him how to play ball, take him places, and make sure that he knew he was wanted.

  After the nurse left, I turned to her and asked, “What is your problem, Kiyah? I mean, you just gave birth to the most beautiful baby I have ever seen in my life. You should be so happy right now.”

  She looked over at me, eyes weary and tired, almost as if she were trying to focus on my face. She finally said, “Don’t tell me how to feel, Iman.”

  “I’m just saying, babe.” I moved closer to the bed and pulled the chair with me. I sat in the chair and took her hand. I brought it to my mouth and kissed it. “I love you, Kiyah. I love you so much. I love you even more now because you gave me our son, and to me, he is the most precious and rewarding gift you could have ever given me.”

  She smiled faintly and said, “You’re welcome, Iman. I’m tired though, like, really exhausted. I’m going to get some rest now.”

  “Okay, babe. I’ll call the family and let them know you had the baby,” I said.


  Damn. For someone who could barely speak a few minutes ago, she definitely said that loud and fucking clear. “What? Why not?” I asked.

  “Because I just told you I was exhausted. If you call to let them know, everybody is gonna come rushing over here and I don’t need that right now.”

  “I’ll tell them to come in a few hours.”

  “Why don’t you ever care about how I feel?” she asked as she started crying a river. When I said she was crying, I meant she was crying. A little tissue wasn’t going to do shit for the damage she was doing with those tears. I walked into the bathroom and wet a small towel. I returned to the room where she was still bawling her eyes out and handed her the towel.

  “I do care about how you feel, babe. That’s why I said I’d tell them to come over in a few hours,” I said.

  “Why can’t you just tell them tomorrow?”

  “Are you kidding me right now?” She had to be kidding me if she thought I was going to sit on this news until tomorrow. “Babe, you just gave birth to ou
r son. I wanna shout this news out to the world, but I’m only going to call immediate family.”

  “Whatever you wanna do, go do it in the waiting room,” she said as she rolled her eyes.

  “Fine!” I said.

  I had enough of Kiyah’s attitude. I just figured she was really tired. I know she had a hard labor experience without any pain medicine. I just figured having our son would take away all of her nervousness. She had gone through so many emotions while she was pregnant. Seeing our son should have been the best thing for her, but it wasn’t. I’d let her rest while I made these phone calls.

  I left the room and headed to the waiting area on the third floor. There were a few people in there, but that didn’t stop me from getting on the phone. The first person I called was my mom. She was at work, but I knew she’d answer because the only time I ever called her at work was for emergencies. Of course, this didn’t qualify as an emergency. But it did qualify as wonderful news I couldn’t wait to share.

  “Hello,” she said as she answered on the third ring.

  “Hey mom, I know you’re at work, but I just wanted to call and let you know that Kiyah had the baby,” I said in a rush.

  “What?! She had the baby?”

  “Yes ma’am. It’s a boy and his name is Isaiah!” I said happily.

  “Oh baby! Congratulations!” she said, equally as happy as I was. “How much did he weigh? Did you take any pictures?”

  “He’s six pounds, four ounces and he’s 18.5 inches long. Mom, he’s beautiful and I’m going to send you some pictures as soon as we get off the phone,” I said.

  “How’s Takiyah doing? Did she have an easy labor?” she asked. Just like my mom to be worried about my wife.

  “She didn’t have it that easy. When we got here, the baby was already crowning, so she couldn’t get an epidural. She’s asleep right now because it wore her out,” I said.

  “Tell her that I’ll be by to see her later, and kiss my grandson for me,” she said.

  “I will, mom. See you later,” I said as we ended the call.

  I called Nya and gave her the news. To say she was excited would be an understatement. She was absolutely ecstatic and sorry that they missed the birth. I apologized for not calling sooner and explained how everything happened really fast. So fast that Takiyah hadn’t even gotten an epidural. After we spoke for a few more minutes, and with promises to visit later, we hung up. Nya promised to spread the news to their mom and sisters. I was glad because I didn’t feel the need to call everybody on the list.

  I made a couple of other calls, to my best friend and then my boss before heading back to the room. I arrived at the same time the nurse, whose badge read Karen, was pushing our son in.

  “Thank you,” I said in a hushed tone. I didn’t want to wake up Takiyah.

  “We fed him and changed his diaper. There are diapers and bottled formula underneath the bed here. Someone will be by later to get the information for the birth certificate. Also, if you’d like to take his pictures, someone will be dropping by for that as well. Are you interested in circumcising your baby boy before you leave the hospital?” Karen asked.

  “Yes, we’d like to have it done while we’re already here.”

  “Great! We can schedule him for it tomorrow. I’ll be by later to get the consent forms signed. Do you need anything before I leave?” she asked.

  “No, I think we’re good.”

  “Okay, just press the red button on the remote if you need anything,” she said.

  “Thank you.”

  She left the room a short time later. All I could do was stare at my little man. He was so adorable, and I was super glad he was here. I touched his little hand and said, “I promise to always protect and love you, Isaiah. As your daddy, I will teach you everything I know, so you can be the best man you can be when you grow up. I’ve never loved anyone the way that I love you.” By the time I finished talking to my son, I had tears in my eyes. “Please God, please help Takiyah get through whatever it is she’s going through. I need her to embrace motherhood and give Isaiah the love he needs from her. He’s going to need both of his parents to help raise him. So, please help my family bond the way a family is supposed to. Amen.”

  I was so happy to be a father and husband. It was like a dream had finally come true for me. I had my beautiful wife and my precious little boy. I felt like the luckiest man in the world right now.

  Chapter fourteen


  When Nya called to tell me that our sister, Takiyah had her baby, I was so excited. I wanted to rush over there, but Nya said that Iman asked for us to wait a few hours before visiting to give Ki a chance to get some rest. I really was happy for my sister. I knew that she had been experiencing some kind of anxiety about having a baby. I just knew once she had her precious baby boy that everything would be alright.

  “Mama, did Nya call you?” I asked my mom as I walked into the living room. I had school that morning, but my classes were done by noon. I was in my senior year of high school, so I only went to class half a day this school year.

  “Yes, she did. She told me about Ki having her baby,” she said with a smile on her face. “Now, I have three grand babies, but don’t you go getting any ideas. You still have to go to college.”

  “I know that, mama. I’m not even thinking about having any baby right now,” I told her.

  “I’m just making sure you know.”

  Lyric had her baby six weeks ago. Her little girl was so beautiful with her huge eyes like Bambi and her sleek curly black hair. Nya’s little girl was also adorable. She had just started walking on those chubby little legs of hers. She had the most beautiful black hair with gorgeous hazel eyes like her daddy. I knew that Ki’s baby was beautiful too. Just like I knew when I had a baby, it would be just as beautiful as my nieces and nephew. But I wasn’t in any rush to have a child right now. Mama was right; I had to go to college and graduate. Then I’d think about having a child.

  Besides, I was nowhere near ready to have a baby. I didn’t even have a boyfriend and that was because I didn’t want my heart broken when it was time for us to go to college. Most high school romances didn’t survive long distance. I was happy being single in high school and concentrating on my grades. School had just started a few weeks ago, but I was ready for it to end. I was just tired of the immaturity of some of my classmates. I couldn’t wait to go to college. I was hoping for a much different experience there.

  “Are you going to see the baby?” I asked my mom.

  “Of course, I’m going to go see my first grandson. Are you coming with me or going with your sisters? I know how you three are connected at the hips,” she said.

  “Well, we’re supposed to go later on. Iman asked that we let Ki get a little rest before we go visit, but I’d like to go now. When are you going?” I asked.

  “Within the next hour or so.”

  “I think I’ll go with you then. I just can’t wait to see him. I bet he’s just as beautiful as Jazmine and Amayah,” I said.

  “He’s a boy, baby. He’s cute or handsome, but never beautiful,” my mom retorted.

  “Well, all babies are beautiful to me, mom.”

  “If you say so. If you’re going to come with me, you need to go get ready.”

  “Get ready? What’s wrong with what I have on?”

  “Nothing. I was just saying,” she said.

  “I mean, we can go right now and I’m ready.”


  The visit to the hospital a couple of hours later was very strange. Ki was fast asleep and Iman was feeding the baby when we walked into their room. Their baby was absolutely gorgeous! His little hair was so slick and black. His little cheeks were cute and his eyes were beautiful.

  “Hey y’all,” Iman greeted us with a huge grin, looking every bit the proud papa.

  “Hey Iman,” my mom and I said at the same time as we reached in for a hug. I was surprised that Iman was feeding the baby with a bottle. I just assumed
Ki would breastfeed her baby the way my other sisters did with my nieces.

  “He is so beautiful,” I said.

  My mom wasted no time elbowing me when I said that. “Really mom?”

  “That is a handsome little boy you got there,” she told Iman.

  “Thank you. I am absolutely in love with this baby,” he said as he smiled down at the baby.

  “Let me hold my grand baby,” my mom said as she reached for Isaiah. Iman placed the baby in her open arms and she immediately placed him over her shoulder to burp him. “Has Takiyah been sleeping all this time?”

  “Yes, she’s exhausted,” Iman said.

  “Why isn’t she breastfeeding this baby? Don’t y’all know that breast milk is the best milk for this child?” My mom asked as she gazed down into Isaiah’s little face. The baby had burped, so she was getting ready to change his diaper.

  “Yea, I know. The nurses told us that, but Kiyah doesn’t want to breast feed,” he said sadly.

  “Why the hell not? If her sisters can do it, why can’t she?” mom asked.

  “Because I don’t want to,” Takiyah said as she opened her eyes.

  “Hey sis,” I said as I walked over to her bedside. I kissed her on the cheek and gave her a hug, which she barely returned. I didn’t let it bother me though because I knew she was tired. “Your baby is such a cutie!”

  “Thanks,” she said with a weak smile.

  “Ki, why you ain’t breastfeeding this baby?” mom asked.

  “I already answered that, mom.”

  “That ain’t a good enough reason. The best milk you can give your baby is the one coming right from you,” mom said. “I know those nurses told you that.”

  “They did tell me that, but so what. I don’t want to breastfeed the baby,” Ki said.

  “I don’t know why you gotta be so stubborn, Kiyah!” my mom said.