Dope Boyz Who Love Hood Gurlz 2 Read online

Page 14

  “Don’t worry about them thotiannas over there Ron. I’d be willing to bet my last dollar that he gone make his way over to you,” Stasia said, as if she is reading my thoughts.

  I just nod my head and let out a deep breath. I need to seriously chill because this nigga is not my man. So I grab my phone because I need something to distract me. All of a sudden, I feel Stasia bumping me with her elbow. I look up and see Courtney only a few feet away. He has a smile on his face that is infectious.

  “Told you,” Stasia said.

  “What’s up beautiful?” Courtney said, making his way over to us.

  Before I can respond to either of them, I am wrapped in his big muscular arms.

  “Damn you smell good,” he whispers in my ear.

  “Thank you, you do too.”

  “So what you about to get into?” he asks.

  “I’m just going back to my dorm,” I said.

  “Can I come with you?”

  “Sure, if Stasia doesn't mind,” I said, still wrapped in his arms.

  “Girl no! I’m going to chill and talk to Shawn.”

  “Okay. Well it’s already going on ten, so I’m ready whenever you are,” Courtney said to me.

  “Okay, Stasia have fun and be careful.

  “I will and you have fun too. You guys don’t do anything that I wouldn’t do,” Stasia said, while winking her eye at us.

  I just smirk as Courtney pulls me over to where his car is parked. I get in the car and make myself comfortable. Courtney gets in and smiles at me. On the way to the dorm, we end up stopping to get some food. As we make our way to my room, I can't wait to get comfortable. I can't lie, I want Courtney to hold me in those big arms of his again.

  “Damn this food smells good as hell,” he said, as we sit on the bed getting ready to dig into our food.

  “I know right.”

  “So, what’s going on with you and ole boy?”

  “Nothing much. I haven’t been talking to him,” I said, with a shoulder shrug.

  “Well I’m glad you’re here with me.”

  “I know I’m surprised that you’re here with me. You have all of these groupies all on you.”

  “Ah, you got jokes, but nah ain’t none of them bitches got shit on you.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yep, you the one that’s playing games.”

  I just sip on my drink because he’s right. I am confused and need to figure out what I am going to do. After eating, I go into the bathroom to get comfortable. I put on a pair of Victoria Secrets Pink short and bra set. It is a little revealing, but I am trying to be as comfortable as possible. Letting my wild hair out of the bun, I open the bathroom door. I can see that he has put Baby Boy on and even though I have seen the movie a thousand times, I can’t wait to watch it all over again. I can see the lust in his eyes as he pulls me into his arms. When I feel his lips kiss my neck, a tingle runs between my legs. He then rolls me over and climbs on top of me.

  “You are so beautiful Ronnie,” he said, as he stares into my eyes.

  When he kisses me, it is so sweet. I am so into it, until I hear someone banging on the door.

  “Just let them knock Ronnie.”

  “It could be Stasia and she may have forgotten her key,” I said as I slide from under him, making my way over to the door. I pull the door open and come face to face with Turk. My heart completely stops beating.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  I’ll be damned if this crazy ass girl ain’t got me feeling like my old self again. She said she wants to start some shit with this little hoe and that’s exactly what the fuck we gon’ do. Me and my baby about to turn this quiet little place the fuck up. When she first said something about going over to that pregnant girl’s house, I wasn’t too sure but not because of me, but because of her. Cruz’s ass probably ain’t about the shit I’m about. See me, I’m simple. Another woman says she’s pregnant by my man, I’m beating her ass and his too, no questions asked.

  That’s what let me know Cruz may not be ready. She’s still walking around here pining over that nigga, instead of beating on his ass, but that ain’t none of my damn business. If this is how she wants to work this situation out, then I’m more than happy to assist. I look around the hardware store as I follow behind Cruz. She insists on tying this girl up and beating her pregnant ass. So here we are, getting rope and duct tape. Now this wouldn’t have been my first idea, but hey, who am I? This is her man and her problem.

  “Ma, come on and stop walking so slow,” Cruz looks back at me over her shoulder.

  “Don’t rush me. I’m coming. I don’t know why we here any damn way.”

  She spins around to face me and points her finger in my face. The fuck? I look down at her finger and back up at her a few times so she’ll see where she got me fucked up at. After a few seconds, she drops her finger and sighs. I can feel her breath on me and I almost got mad because I hate that shit. I hate when motherfuckers be all up in my personal space with their breath touching you and shit, but since hers isn’t hot and actually smells minty, I’ma let it slide.

  “You know why we’re here so stop acting like you don’t. If you didn’t want to help me, that’s all you had to say.”

  “If I didn’t want to help your scary ass, I wouldn’t have come, so point at me again and see don’t you get the shit slapped out of you.” I say as she sucks her teeth and stare at me like she wants to say something. I dare her to get bad with me in this store. Triple dog dare her ass to say something slick. “Cruz, go head on and get what you came to get now so we can go. I don’t have time to kick any extra ass today.”

  I move around her and resume my search for the tape because it’s bad enough we ain’t got no business down here doing this shit anyway. She thinks I have time to stand in the store playing with her.

  “Cruz, mi niña hermosa.” (Cruz, my pretty girl)

  I spin around fast as hell, trying to see who the fuck is talking so damn loud. When I turn I see some thick Puerto Rican woman rubbing the side of Cruz’ face and it shocks me for a minute. I wonder who it is but stay where I am. I don’t have time to be making no new friends. I’ll be fine here until she’s done. As a matter of fact, fuck this. I pull my purse strap up on my arm and leave the store. I lean against the window and pull out my cigarette. I need something to ease my nerves. I take a few puffs and blow them out as my phone begins to ring. I pull it out of my pocket but I don’t recognize the number.

  I put it right back in my purse because I’m not at home, so ain’t no point in talking to none of them raggedy ass johns. I can talk to they broke asses when I get back. Hell, my pussy needs a break anyway. I worked her overtime last month for my rent money. I’m pulling on my cancer stick again when my phone starts ringing. After seeing it’s the same number, I ignore it again. Whoever this may be is persistent as hell. If they want something and the shit is that urgent, they ass will leave a voicemail. I thought for a minute that I might need to answer it, being that Vanity and Ronnie are away from me at the moment, and something could be wrong.

  Fuck that, their asses are grown. Ain’t shit wrong with them. I finish smoking, just as Cruz is exiting the store with a plastic gray bag hanging around her wrist. She looks over at me and nods her head towards the car. I follow her and once we’re both situated in the car, we leave. She doesn’t say anything at first, but I can tell it’s something bothering her.

  “Who was that lady?”

  “Mrs. Sofia’s hair stylist. I met her at the salon the last time I was here with Vega.” Oh shit. This is all bad.

  “You think she gon’ call and tell Vega you here?”

  Cruz shrugs her shoulders. “I don’t think so because she says she hasn’t seen Mrs. Sofia in a while. But just in case she does we need to get a move on. We’re doing this today, as soon as she gets home from work. I don’t want to waste any more time.”

  “Well, let’s do it then.” I look over at her and my poor baby looks so s
tressed out. I know this is a lot of shit to deal with for such a young girl but she has to grow up at some point.

  In life sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands and this shit that little Mexican motherfucker got my baby in, is one of them. I reach over and pat her shoulder as we head back to the hotel in our rental car. Once she parks the car, we head up, no stairs with little to no talking. She has her game face on, so I might as well put mine on too.


  I sink as far back in the tub as I can go, without submerging my entire face beneath the water. The hot water does an amazing job at massaging the tension out of my body. This whole baby thing has gotten under my skin and it’s ending tonight. Vega couldn’t get a hold on this bitch, but I’ll bet my last dollar I can. I close my eyes as my hair floats around in the water. The first face that pops into my mind is Vega’s. His oh so handsome face that I miss so much. I envision what our lives will be like if this is indeed his child. Will I leave or will I stay? That is the only thing I keep asking myself.

  Any woman that has every dealt with this type of thing will probably understand my turmoil. Those that haven’t well, shit, just be happy yo ass ain’t been through it. I wouldn’t wish this kind of foolishness on anybody. The last couple of days I haven’t known whether I was going or coming, but this shit stops today. I sit up in the water, run my hands over my face and look around the bathroom. I just sit there for a few minutes before getting out and drying off. Once I’m dry, I comb through my hair and blow dry it out. This doesn’t take too long, but flat ironing it takes almost two hours.

  Back in the little room that I’m occupying for the time being, I lay out my skin tight Dior jeans and the white fitted top with the lace around the collar and sleeves. I put my lotion on before getting dressed. Once I am completely put together, I put on my jewelry and spray some perfume. My nude red bottoms are at the edge of the bed, so I slip my feet in them, grab my nude clutch and exit the room.

  My mama is dressed in all black and looking prettier than I’ve seen her look in a long time. I make sure that we are dressed up tonight because there is no way I am going to confront this hoe looking anything other than my best. Her ass needs to know why I’m Vega’s fucking wife and all she is a convenient piece of pussy to fuck when I’m not around. My mother and I look each other up and down and smile before grabbing our bags from the sofa and heading out of the door.

  The car ride to Gabriella’s house is quiet other than the music playing from the radio. There’s not much that needs to be said since we’ve mapped this shit out already. We have gone over the plan of what is to be done once we get inside over and over, so ain’t much left to say. We both agreed that we’d be civilized until she decides to come out of pocket and use her smart mouth. If she chooses not to cooperate or wants to act like a bad bitch, then we will tie her ass up and beat the shit out of her; just in the head and legs. One thing neither one of us are trying to do is go to jail for killing her damn baby. I don’t give a fuck if it’s Vega’s or not.

  I check the clock and it is going on six o’clock, so she I’m sure she’s home by now. I pull up to the front of her house and I am about to park, until my mama hits my arm.

  “I know yo slow ass ain’t about to park in front of this girl’s house when you ain’t got no business here?”

  I know she’s right, but her hitting me pisses me off something crazy. I done told her about that shit, I hate being hit by anybody. I look down at the spot on my arm where she had just hit me and so does she. She’s looking at me like she’s waiting for me to say something. This bitch gets on my nerves. Instead of knocking her old ass block off, I throw the car in reverse and back up until we’re around the corner near the STOP sign.

  I know right now isn’t the best time to address this, but I’m still damn mad. “Look, that’s going to be the last time you put your hands on me.”

  “No the fuck it ain’t and if you think you bad, then jump lil’ bitch because I will beat your ass right back into that driver’s seat. Now come on if you feel like I’m playing with yo ass.”

  This hoe has the nerve to start pulling her earrings off and shit. I can’t do nothing but laugh as I watch her. I see why Vanity’s ass is so crazy. My mama ain’t got the first piece of sense God gave her. Her and Van would have a ball together if they would just give each other a chance. Thinking of them has me pulling my phone out and powering it on. As soon as the screen comes on, it starts ringing. I ain’t surprised to see the picture of Vega and me pop up on my phone. I wasn’t going to answer it at first, but I need to make sure that he doesn’t know where I am.

  “Hello,” I answer.

  He sighs before he begins to speak. “Got dammit Cruz! Why won’t you take my calls?” I can hear water in the background. Sounds like a shower running, so I breathe a sigh of relief.

  “I already told you why. Just leave me alone.”

  “Leave you alone? Damn, is that what you want?”

  “Yes. I’m trying to get my mind together, but clearly you can’t see that.” It hurts my heart to hear the way he sounds, but I can’t let that get to me right now. I have to stand my ground, so he’ll know this kind of shit isn’t going to go unpunished.

  “Fine then. Fuck you Cruz.”

  The phone line beeps. He had hung up in my damn face. I stare at the screen for a long time trying to keep the water in my eyes from falling. I take a few deep breaths trying to calm myself, but I can’t. It feels like my throat and chest are about to burst. I can’t. I cannot handle this. I can feel myself getting ready to choke if I don’t let the tears fall.

  “He’s just upset because he misses you Cruz. He doesn’t mean that for real mama so don’t cry.”

  I sniff really hard, followed by a few smaller ones. “He’s never sounded like that before.” Tears explode out as if waiting for my voice to give them the okay. “He’s never said anything like that to me. We don’t talk to each other like that.”

  “Cruz, you’ve been gone for almost two weeks baby. He’s just as scared as you. He’s used to you letting him run things. Shutting him out has his mind all over the place. He’s just as scared as you are, maybe even more scared because he doesn’t wanna lose you.” Laura gets out of her seatbelt and sits her little ass on the armrest so she can hug me. “We’ll go home as soon as we leave here, okay? We don’t have to wait until tomorrow. You can be home with your man by tonight. Will that make you feel better?”

  I nod my head as I continue to cry. It takes me some time to get myself back together, but now that I’m back straight, I wipe my eyes and reach in the backseat to grab my bag. When I turn around, I run my hand through my hair, pushing it back off my shoulders and look into the mirror. My eyes are bloodshot red and my makeup is ruined, but I no longer give a fuck about my appearance. All I care about now is getting to my man.

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