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A Mother Within Her Page 11

  “Hey suga, just wanted to find out if you were coming over today,” said his smooth voice into the receiver.

  “No, I’m not gonna be able to make it. Too much has happened since last night and I think it’s best if we ended things.”

  “What? Are you sure that’s what you wanna do?”

  I just knew he was stroking his dick as he was asking me that. It didn’t matter though. I was going to stand my ground. I wasn’t going to lose my husband and baby for some fly by night dude with a sexy voice.

  “That’s exactly what I’m gonna do. Now, what I need you to do is forget that we ever met,” I instructed.

  “How can I do that? I mean, we had some great times together, right?”

  “Those times are over and we won’t be doing it again.”

  “My, my, my, you sound so sure of yourself,” he said.

  “I definitely am. Now, please don’t call this number again, ever!” I said as I hung the phone up, ending the call between us.

  No matter what he wanted or what he offered, I no longer wanted anything to do with him. He was going to have to find some other chick to give that big ding dong to because I was staying with my husband. We were going to work on our relationship until we got back to where we once were. It took all that happened for me to realize that he was who I wanted.

  As I got up to go check on the baby, I was a little lightheaded. I knew it had everything to do with the strain I had been under recently in an effort to please everyone. The only ones that mattered now were my son and my husband. I deleted Barry’s number from my phone. Being with him was a mistake. I didn’t know what came over me, but I should have never gotten involved with him in the first place.

  I think I was just so overwhelmed with everything that was happening to me. I hadn’t planned on a baby, but I got pregnant…AGAIN!! I didn’t want kids, but I had grown to love my baby boy. I loved my family, but it seems as though I might have jeopardized it by getting involved with Barry. Hopefully, the affair with him would never come out and I could keep my family intact.

  I decided to plan a candlelight dinner for my husband and I. Since I’d been cleared by the doctor, we hadn’t slept together once. I was too busy running around acting the fool and giving his goodies to another man. I hated that I did that to our family. I almost killed my husband last night, and although he was wrong for telling my business to my sisters, I understood why he did it. I was totally in the wrong.

  I went about my business making his favorite meal. I needed to make my marriage work. I had vowed to love my husband through thick and thin and I was going to do just that. When Isaiah woke up, I fixed his bottle, played with him for a little while, changed his diaper and put him back in his crib. I returned to the kitchen to finish preparing our dinner. I knew that my husband would be surprised, but I owed him this dinner.

  When I was done, I had just enough time to take a quick shower and douche my kitty. I didn’t want him to be able to tell that someone had already invaded my space, but I reasoned that I did just have a baby. Pushing a baby out of your vagina was a difficult task that stretched every muscle within that area. If my husband thought something was off, I’d just blame it on childbirth.

  I slipped into a slim fitting dress that made my body feel luxurious under the soft material. I sprayed some light fragranced perfume and applied a little lip gloss to my lips. I just wanted everything to be perfect when my husband came home from work. I felt I hadn’t been appreciating him enough and he deserved that. I was cleared to return to work, so I was going to talk with him about that over dinner. I planned on returning within the next couple of weeks, so we had to discuss daycare options for the baby.

  My husband walked in around 5:30 that evening and I greeted him at the door with a kiss and a glass of wine. He didn’t have to work tomorrow, so I planned on sexing my man all night long. To say that he was surprised by my attitude was an understatement. The look on his face spoke volumes.

  “To what do I owe all this to?” he asked.

  “I owe you a huge apology for my behavior. I thought that a nice candlelight dinner would be a great start,” I said with a smile.

  “Thank you,” he said as I led him to the table. I grabbed the flame lighter and lit the candles. His eyes widened as he looked at the table. We hadn’t done this in a long time.

  “You just sit down here,” I said as I pulled out his chair. Once he sat down, I said, “I’ll go grab our plates.”

  I came back and set the plate before him. His eyes widened as he took in his favorite meal on the plate. I had cooked a homemade meatloaf with brown gravy, mashed potatoes, baby carrots, and dinner rolls. “Thanks for cooking meatloaf,” he said with a huge smile.

  “It’s the least I could do,” I said as I sat down with my plate. As I looked over at my husband, I spotted the bandage on his neck. My heart immediately plummeted because of the memory of what I did last night. Tears sprang to my eyes at the thought of almost killing my husband last night.

  “Why you crying?” Iman asked.

  “Because of what I did to you last night. Baby, I’m so sorry,” I cried as I looked into his eyes. I hoped that he could see how sincere I was right now.

  He took a deep breath and said, “I know you’re sorry. I forgave you since last night.”

  “You did?” I asked as I sniffled, wiping my nose and eyes with the dinner napkin.

  “Yea, if I didn’t forgive you, we wouldn’t be able to move on. I’m not sure what came over you during those weeks, but you promised it wouldn’t happen again, and I believe you.”

  “You do?”

  “Yea. I’ve done a lot of soul searching today, as well as prayed. God wouldn’t have brought us together just to tear us apart. That I am sure of. You were going through something, and everybody makes mistakes. Whatever happened during that time is water under the bridge. I love you, Kiyah. I just want us to be happy and raise our son together as a family,” he said.

  “I want that too,” I said as I leaned in to kiss him. I stroked his face and said, “I don’t know what I did to deserve you. Thank you for not bailing on me.”

  “Oh, trust me, I wanted to.”

  I gasped as I covered my mouth. It wasn’t that I was surprised that he had contemplated leaving me. I mean, any person in his shoes would’ve thought the same thing. I had put my husband and son through hell the past few weeks.

  “I’m so sorry that I hurt you. Thank you for giving me another chance. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I had lost you and Isaiah,” I said through tears.

  “Well, you didn’t. We’re still here and we love you. We’re going to move past this and be better than ever,” he said.

  “You’re right.” In that moment, I believed everything that came out of his mouth. We were going to be better than before. We would get past that incident. As we ate our food, we talked about how his day went. I told him that Isaiah and I had a great day, and as soon as we were finished eating, our baby began to cry through the baby monitor speaker.

  “I’ll get him. I haven’t seen my little man since this morning,” Iman said.

  “Okay, I’m sure he missed his daddy. I’m gonna put the dishes in the dishwasher.”

  We both walked to the kitchen carrying our plates. We set them on the counter and I began to put the leftover food away and rinse the dishes. Iman made the baby a bottle before heading to the nursery. Once I had started the dishwasher, I made my way to the nursery. I just wanted to be with my little family. I marveled at the image of my husband feeding our baby boy. I didn’t know how I could have risked losing my family. I vowed to never do anything like that again.

  Once Isaiah was sleeping, Iman placed him in the crib. We walked out of the room with our arms wrapped around each other. When we made it to the bedroom and shared a long kiss before Iman broke it. “I’m going to jump in the shower real quick.”

  “Okay,” I said as I turned down the bed. I planned to rock my husband’s world tonight. We hadn
’t been intimate or had sex since before I had Isaiah, and the baby was almost two months old. I went into the walk-in closet and removed my clothes. I sprayed another little bit of perfume in the air and walked into the mist. Then I climbed between the soft sheets and waited for my man.

  I heard the water stop and a couple of minutes later, my hubby entered the bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. I was going to wait until he got in bed, but my pussy was anxious to feel him inside me. His body was like a god with that glistening wetness making me hornier than ever. I slid out of bed, butt naked and approached my husband. He licked his lips as I approached him.

  I wrapped my arms around his waist as he put both of his hands on the sides of my face. He brought his lips down on mine and we began to kiss passionately. We hadn’t shared a kiss like that in a very long time. I removed the towel around his waist and it hit the carpeted floor around his feet. I stroked his member until it hardened, then I dropped to my knees and took it in my mouth. As I stroked, I sucked. I wanted to get it as wet as possible before he entered my love tunnel. When it was as hard as I could get it, he lifted me up, positioned me over his pole, and slid me right down. I gasped from the feel of it as it invaded my walls.

  “Mmmmm!” I said as he held my butt cheeks and motioned it up and down on shaft.

  “I love you, baby,” he whispered in my ear.

  “I love you too.”

  My man came fast for the first round which let me know that he hadn’t been with anyone. I felt a sense of relief as well as guilt. While I was out spreading my legs, my husband was home taking care of our son. I felt so ashamed but didn’t let that interrupt the good feelings my husband was doing to me.

  For the next few months, things between us continued to improve. We were now back to our happy place. I wished that things could have continued that way, but unfortunately, God had a way of throwing a monkey wrench into the mix when people were their happiest.

  Chapter eighteen


  If someone had told me that things with my wife would be going this good after she tried to kill me… well, let me just say that I wouldn’t have believed them. These past four months had been off the chain. I was so happy that it showed in my demeanor at work. My boss even said I had a pep in my step lately, which I attributed to my home life. On this particular day, I was in a meeting with a couple of the bosses on a higher level. Apparently, they had been discussing my performance at work and were pleased with the job I had been doing for the past few months.

  I knew that they were probably thinking of firing me before. If they weren’t, I certainly would have been thinking about firing me. Because of the way things were going with Takiyah at that time, I was suffering on my job. I couldn’t help it. I had to take care of my son as soon as I got him and through the night. Then when Takiyah got home in the middle of the night, we’d argue for at least a half hour. Due to the lack of sleep on my part, I’d go to work cranky as hell.

  But here I sat with my boss and his boss as they offered me a higher paying position. I was completely floored. I thought they were calling me into the office to fire me. I never thought they were going to offer me a raise. It would mean more money and an executive office. I had a company car and everything. I couldn’t wait to tell Kiyah about my day and the good news.

  As the meeting came to a close, I thanked the bosses and left, feeling on top of the world. When I exited the office and approached the receptionist, she stopped me. “Um, Mr. Adams, you had an urgent call from your wife’s job,” she said.

  “What? An urgent call? Why didn’t you come get me or buzz me?” I asked as I took the pink message paper from her.

  “I didn’t know if I should interrupt,” she said. To me, it was a feeble excuse, but on the other hand, I understood her predicament.

  I pulled my phone out and called the number on the paper. Once the receptionist found out who I was, she quickly put me through to Takiyah’s boss, Mrs. Owens. “Good afternoon, Mr. Adams. Thank you for calling me back.”

  “What happened to my wife, ma’am?”

  “Well, she fainted today at work. I wanted to call the ambulance, but she came to before the EMTs could get here,” she explained.

  “Is she okay?” I asked.

  “Well, she’s a little weak, but she insists that she doesn’t need to go to the hospital. She’s here, resting in my office. That girl is dedicated to her job. She’s still trying to get on the road to deliver the medicine to her clients,” Mrs. Owens said with a slight chuckle.

  “May I speak to her please?”

  “Sure, hold on,” the lady said. There was a brief pause before Takiyah picked up the phone.

  “Hey babe,” she answered, and she did sound a little weak.

  “Hey, what happened?”

  “I don’t know. I just got a little lightheaded and almost passed out. I think it’s because I skipped breakfast this morning.”

  “How do you feel now?” I asked.

  “A little better. Mrs. Owens ordered me something to eat and we’re waiting for it to come,” she said.

  “Do you need me to come get you?”

  “No, I should be fine after I get something in my stomach. I drank an orange juice and I think it’s starting to work.”

  “Well, when you’re up to driving, I think you should just head on home.”

  “I’m not…”

  “Just go home and get some rest, babe. I’ll pick up Isaiah from Aunt Paula’s house on my way home,” I said.


  “No if’s, and’s, or but’s about it, babe. Please don’t fight me on this,” I insisted.

  “Okay, as soon as I can drive, I’ll head home.”

  “You promise?”

  “Yes, babe.”

  “Okay, love you,” I said.

  “I love you too.”

  I ended the call, confident that she would head home when she felt good enough to drive. I breathed a sigh of relief that the call wasn’t about something more serious. I was headed back to my old office when my secretary stopped me. “Congratulations, boss man! I heard the great news that we’re moving on up!” Heather said as she embraced me.

  “Thanks, and you’re right. We are moving on up.”

  “I told you all your hard work would pay off,” she said with a smile. I had known Heather for as long as I worked here. She was really good at her job and very efficient. Some days, I didn’t know what I’d do without her. “So, when are we moving to the new office area?”


  “Great!” she said, excitedly.

  I went inside my office and continued my work until 5:30 that evening. Once I left, I headed straight to my Aunt Paula’s house to pick up my lil man. Isaiah was six months old now and looked just like me with Takiyah’s nose and eyes. He was such a good baby. He was also a chunky little thing at almost 24 pounds. What could I say? My lil man had a real good appetite.

  I was so happy that things were finally coming together for my family and I. I rushed home to tell Takiyah the good news about my promotion. She was so excited, especially after I told her that we could start looking for a house and get out of this damn apartment. She was so happy; she really freaked me that night. As a matter of fact, she had been freaking me real good for the past few months. Ever since that night she cooked the meatloaf. I wasn’t complaining because I was a freak too.

  What I did notice about Kiyah was that she was putting a little weight on her. Those hips were spreading, that ass was plumper, and her titties looked huge. I loved it though. I thought she looked super sex with the extra thickness. It didn’t occur to me that she might be pregnant until she started getting a little pudge around the midsection. I mentioned it to her, but she said she couldn’t be. She said she was just gaining a little weight because she was eating more. When I suggested that we go to the doctor to make sure, she agreed.


  Two weeks later, the two of us sat in the doctor’s office waiti
ng to be called to the exam room. “You know that you could very well be pregnant with baby number two,” I joked.

  “That’s not funny, Iman. Isaiah isn’t even a year old yet. Plus, you just got a promotion, my job has been super crazy lately, and…” she was saying, but stopped talking abruptly. I stared at her as her facial expression changed at least three times.

  “What’s wrong, babe?” I asked, growing concerned.

  “Nothing, I…” again, she just stopped talking.

  “What’s wrong, babe?”

  “Nothing, but I… I’m not gonna trip. I’m just going to wait until the doctor tells me what’s wrong with me before I jump to conclusions,” she said.

  “You think you’re pregnant, huh?” I asked as I broke into a huge smile.

  “I better not be.”

  “What’s so wrong about having a second child?” I asked, unclear about why she was reacting this way. “We may have a beautiful little girl that looks just like you this time.”

  She didn’t bother to answer. She jumped up from her seat in a huff and rushed to the receptionist’s desk. “How much longer do I have to wait?” she asked.

  “You’re next, Mrs. Adams,” the receptionist said.

  “Well, hurry up please.”

  She marched back over to where I was sitting and plopped down in a huff. She folded her arms across her chest as I stared at her in total shock. “What’s wrong with you?” I asked.


  I could tell she had an attitude, but I didn’t know why. “Takiyah Adams!”

  We got up from our seats and went to the door that led to the exam rooms. The nurse checked Takiyah’s blood pressure, temperature, and pulse. “What brings you here today?” the nurse asked.

  “My husband seems to think I’m pregnant, so I’m here to make sure that isn’t the case,” she said with a roll of her neck.

  “Okay. Well, what are your symptoms?”

  “I don’t have any.”